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Psychic Norm and Its Boundaries in the Novel “Amsterdam” by I. Mcewan (A Psychological Novel Study in the Course of “Foreign Literature of the 20th Century”)
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Abstract: The object of study in the article is the idea of the psychic norm as displayed in the works of Ian McEwan, in particular, in his novel “Amsterdam”. The article concentrates on the notion of the norm, and various approaches towards this notion are presented: norm as considered in general, from the point of view of psychology, from the point of view of sociology. The article analyzes the constant element of the psychic norm as viewed by the characters of the novel, as well as the influence of this constant element and the characters’ interpretation of it on the development of the plot and the finale of the novel. The author comes to the conclusion that each considerable episode of the novel may be viewed in accordance with the characters’ treatment of the constant element of the norm and their resulting actions. The tragic ending of the novel may also be considered as a consequence of the main characters’ misunderstanding of this notion. As a psychological novel, “Amsterdam” by I. McEwan gives an opportunity to identify the reasons due to which there arises misunderstanding between characters, conflicts in their relationships that cannot be solved, and sometimes the consequences that cannot be turned back. The article suggests a possibility to use the described analysis in lectures and at practical classes in “The History of Foreign Literature of the 20th Century” with the aim to acquaint students with the genre of psychological novel.
Key words: Norm; psychic norm; psychological novel; psychologism; Ian McEwan; The History of Foreign Literature of the 20th Century.
For citation
Beklemysheva, V. P. Psychic Norm and Its Boundaries in the Novel “Amsterdam” by I. Mcewan (A Psychological Novel Study in the Course of “Foreign Literature of the 20th Century”) / V. P. Beklemysheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 110-114.