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Digital Storytelling: From Theory to Practice
- Hits: 315
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Abstract: The article examines the use of digital storytelling in the English language classroom. Digital Storytelling (DS) is a form of traditional oral narration that is presented in digital interactive forms. DS results in creating a small-form media product – a digital story proper - that employs a wide range of digital tools including online ones. There are diverse options of using multimedia tools for creating DS that prove Digital Storytelling to be a universal teaching tool which combines visual, imaginary, musical and verbal constituents and that makes DS appealing to students with different learning styles. The authors of the paper make an attempt to define DS as a teaching technique. The article stresses the practical value of DS in developing individual learning strategies of the EL learners. Digital Storytelling can be an effective way for EFLs to practice speaking English of different levels of aqcuisition. At the end of the article one can find practical tips for DS application in the EL classroom.
Key words: Digital storytelling; digital story; universal learning activities; information and communication technologies; oral presentation; pedagogical technique.
For citation
Manyaykina, N. V. Digital Storytelling: From Theory to Practice / N. V. Manyaykina, E. S. Nadtocheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 60-64.