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Organization of Effective Cooperation with the Parents
- Hits: 279
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Abstract: The article presents the main stages of formation of the multicultural position of a person, ways of effective cooperation with parents, and organization of effective cooperation between family and school. The author reveals the conditions of organization and the content of activities which are necessary for effective cooperation with the parents. It is noted that in the work with parents it is necessary to use all kinds of educational influence in unity – open and implicit, direct and indirect – and use them creatively with the help of diverse specific techniques. The article argues that what is necessary is not just sincere interest in each child and each parent, but direct inclusion of each parent in active joint activity that develops all three aspects of personality: cognitive-philosophical, emotional-volitional and effective; this will ensure increase of pedagogical culture of parents, increase of motivation to conscious responsible parenthood and conscious relationship with the school.
Key words: Cooperation with parents; social partnership; spiritual and moral education; traditions and innovations.
For citation
Smolentseva, O. V. Organization of Effective Cooperation with the Parents / O. V. Smolentseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 230-236 .