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Family Functions in Psychological Tensions of the Modern Society
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Abstract: The aggravation of political and psychological stress in the modern society opens up new prospects for understanding the role of the family in the development of social processes and the formation of personality. Talking about the functions of the family, we should see a great variety of family types, which play different roles in the development of the individual and the organization of society. On the one hand, the family system, combining hundreds of thousands of relatives that make up the basis for the organization of ethnic systems is still present. In this field there are rich traditions of personal interaction and organization of education. In such families, the individual is assigned minimum functions of organization activity; the life of generations is governed by daily rituals. On the other hand, there are local nuclear families, the product of century-old reformation and destruction of tribal clans, where on the extreme poles function quasi-family units, uniting people by temporary sexual relationships, same-sex marriages, "weekend families" or groups that integrate networks of sexual partners. If for the guardians of morality such units become an object of aggression and conviction, for psychologists the important question is about the psychological causes of these families and the impact of different types of family on the formation of personality. Interaction of different types of social systems generates special psychological tensions defining specific conditions for the formation of a personality in modern world. The article describes the results of research of development of subjective properties of a person in different families. Subject family functions are the main conditions of formation of personal qualities of a child.
Key words: Personality; family; formation; subject functions; psychological tensions.
For citation
Shabelnikov, V. K. Family Functions in Psychological Tensions of the Modern Society / V. K. Shabelnikov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 167-171.