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Prevention of Disadaptation of Contract Soldiers
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of adaptation of contract soldiers. The urgency of the problem is explained by the growing number of the Russian Army contract soldiers, whose adaptation needs to be controlled and supported by psychologists with the purpose of prevention of disadaptation in various forms. The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the problems of adaptation and disadaptation and the results of an empirical research of adaptive peculiarities of contract soldiers of the Urals Region. The aim of the research is not only an overall study of the phenomenon in question, but also determination of the main directions of psychological work on adaptation and prevention of disadaptation. The author considers the relationship between certain individual-psychological features of a person and the level of personal adaptive potential. Thus, she provides the result of an empirical test of the personal adaptive potential. The author uses the method of interview with the following statistical analysis of the obtained experimental data. The following methods are used: ―Adaptivity MLO-AM‖ (A.G. Maklakov), «Diagnostics of Inclination to Adaptive Behavior‖ (A.N. Orel), ―Subjective Evaluation of Interpersonal Relations‖ (S.V. Dukhnovsky) and the adaptive interview by A. Bass. On the basis of the undertaken empirical research, the author outlines the main perspectives for psychological work on adaptation of contract soldiers and prevention of disadaptation.
Key words: Adaptation; disadaptation; aggression; aggressive manner; contract service; individual-psychological features; prevention.
For citation
Pozdnyakova, N. A. Prevention of Disadaptation of Contract Soldiers / N. A. Pozdnyakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 120-124.