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Development of Sense Self-regulation as a Basis of Professional Health of Law Enforcement Personnel
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Abstract: Professional activity of law enforcement officers is considered to be extreme and needs special professionally relevant psychological qualities. It is sense self-regulation that defines the degree of adaptivity of a law enforcement officer to various real situations, helps them to choose adequate style of behavior in those situations and ensures safety and success of their professional activity. The aim of the given article is to study sense self-regulation of law enforcement officers and its connection with professional health. It has been found, that the specificity of sense self-regulation of law enforcement personnel is defined by emotional discomfort, subjective ill-being, adaptivity and purposeful planning of activity, which affects professional health. Ability to plan one‘s goals of life and show purposeful planning in their realization serves as an indicator of professional health of the personality of a law enforcement officer. In order to preserve their professional health law enforcement officers may be provided with a complex of activities aimed at development of sense self-regulation including training personal growth, training correction of emotional sphere, training sense self-regulation of one‘s life, etc. Psychological support in this case should be complex and carried out at different levels of psychic activity (cognitive – self-understanding, emotional – attitude to oneself and behavioral – self-regulation).
Key words: Self-regulation; professional health; sense units; psychological well-being.
For citation
Ryabova, M. G. Development of Sense Self-regulation as a Basis of Professional Health of Law Enforcement Personnel / M. G. Ryabova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 125-137.