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Development of the Pedagogical (Educational) Cluster in Regional Educational Environment
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Abstract: The possibilities of forming a regional pedagogical (educational) cluster on the basis of the cluster approach are presented in this work. The approaches to the formation of the concept of development of pedagogical (educational) cluster and the main stages of its formation are described. The mechanisms of cooperation between the participants of the cluster integration and the development of a control system of pedagogical (education) cluster are presented. It is shown that a rise in attractiveness of cooperation between educational organizations of professional education and industries can be achieved by ensuring the cooperation that contributes to the multiplicative effect of the transfers of innovative technologies in professional education within the cluster and by raising the competitiveness of educational institutions within the cluster by improving the quality of specialized services and the professional competence of teachers.
Key words: Cluster integration of educational organizations; cluster approach; activity control system of the participants of pedagogical (educational) cluster in terms of cluster integration.
For citation
Davydova, N. N. Development of the Pedagogical (Educational) Cluster in Regional Educational Environment / N. N. Davydova, B. M. Igoshev, S. L. Fomenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 12-18.