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Regional Component in the Semantic Structure of a Word and Its Potential for Studying Russian at School
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Abstract: The article deals with the regional component in the semantic structure of words, functioning in one of the forms of existence of the modern national Russian language; in the spotlight there are geographically limited components in the meanings of words, occurring on the Urals territory in different dialectal micro- and macro-systems, the study of which reveals new aspects of the analysis of the semantic structure of words that give additional information about the world and the nature of speech intellective activity of speakers of dialectal forms of the national language. The focus is on the speech of students of educational institutions of a particular area of functioning of the Russian language. The article reveals linguistic and non-linguistic causes of local variations of the semantic structure of words in the dialects of the Urals on the material of the Russian folk dialects. One of the tasks of the teacher in modern conditions is to motivate students to display initiative and independence. The use of regional material will help to organize independent activities of students in which everyone can realize their talents and interests, which will give the opportunity to create favorable educational environment in the classroom, to improve students‘ analytical thinking which will contribute to the development of the ability to solve professional problems in concrete situations. The introduction of the regional material in the learning process is for students a means of mastering different kinds of competences, which is the purpose and expected result of the learning process and implementation of the knowledge-action paradigm in education.
Key words: Semantic structure of a word; regional component of the semantic structure of a word; dialectal system; micro- and macro-systems; dialect personality, dialect speaker; dialect social sub-sphere; knowledge-action paradigm in education.
For citation
Demidova, K. I. Regional Component in the Semantic Structure of a Word and Its Potential for Studying Russian at School / K. I. Demidova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 180-184.