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Resources of Speech Psychodiagnostics in Educational Process
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Abstract: Speech psychodiagnostics gives an opportunity to show the principles and tools of measurement, correction and development of the language ability of a person in accordance with individual psychological characteristics that manifest themselves in speech. The paper presents some experimental diagnostic techniques to study the leading modalities of perception of speech product (associates, text‘s psychological predicates, etc.). A technique to identify indicators of the dominant modality in spontaneous utterances and written texts of secondary school pupils is described. The peculiarities of perception and speech production of children with different leading modalities - visual, auditory and kinesthetic - are discussed; adapted techniques of speech psychodiagnosis "Pick up a word", "Portraying the concept of," "Mixed up instructions", "Living the name," "Choosing the characteristics from the given ones (including the possibility to continue) and others are shown. The result of the observation is the conclusion that the diagnosis and taking into account the leading modalities of perception can help the teacher to create the necessary conditions to avoid possible difficulties in new language material acquisition by the pupils. In addition, knowledge of the individual lateral profile, the ability to determine it, may serve as means of development of multimodal perception in children, the result of which is a complete perceptual image of the phenomenon under study.
Key words: Language ability; speech activity; diagnostics; the modalities of perception; psychological predicates; experimental techniques.
For citation
Konovalova, N. I. Resources of Speech Psychodiagnostics in Educational Process / N. I. Konovalova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 195-202.