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A Review of the Book by V. V. Bayluk “Systemic Nature of Independent Activity of University Students as a Basis of Professional Self-realization
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Abstract: The article offers a brief review of the book by a Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Social Education of the Ural State Pedagogical University V.V. Bayluk ―Systemic Nature of Independent Activity of University Students – a Basis of Professional Self-realization‖ (Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, 2015). For the first time, the author includes in the notion of ―independent activity of students‖ not only academic activity, but also health-preserving activity and attracts the attention of the readers to such forms of activity as socio-cultural and independent ones; he also stresses the importance of self-knowledge and self-management in the student‘s activity. The suggested model may provide a solution to one of the key tasks of modernization of the Russian education – design and implementation in the systems of higher education of new education technologies, as the author managed to consider the system of organization of independent (self-educational) activity of students not only on the methodological, but also on the technological level.
Key words: Independent activity; self-realization; professional self-realization; subject position; self-knowledge.
For citation
Akhyamova, I. A. A Review of the Book by V. V. Bayluk “Systemic Nature of Independent Activity of University Students as a Basis of Professional Self-realization” / I. A. Akhyamova, A. S. Slavina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 271-273.