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Agrarian and Demographic Modernization of Russia in the Late XIXth – Early XXIst Centuries: Regional Dimension (Scientific School of Professor G. E. Kornilov)
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Abstract: The article analyzes the process of establishment and functioning of the scientific school of agrarian and demographic history of Professor G. E. Kornilov (the choice of the scientific problem took place during the "archival revolution" and close attention was paid to the history of agriculture and peasantry of Russia; at the Institute of History of Sciences, there was a seminar on the methodology of historical and agrarian studies; these factors influenced the formation of scientific areas of the school). The article shows the main results of the scientific school (in professional training of scholars: 31 candidate and 5 doctoral dissertations have been defended), scientific publications, organization of scientific conferences (nineteen all-Russian historical and pedagogical readings, six Urals demographic forums, ten international conferences on the agrarian history of Russia), participation in conferences of various levels (international, national and regional) and development of new research areas, in particular, the study of demographic modernization in the region). Researches of the participants of the school heve been supported by various grants (RHF, RFBR, Council of Europe). The scientific leader of the school and his students performed research projects with foreign scientists (from Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Japan, etc.). The school formed on the basis of the Historical Faculty of the Ural State Pedagogical University and the Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Its main feature was that it combined scientific and educational activities; the majority of participants are university teachers. The recognition of scholarly achievements is demonstrated by reviews, published in scientific journals of different countries.
Key words: Scientific school, scientific directions, scientific problems, agrarian modernization in Russia, agrarian transition, historical demography.
For citation
Kornilov, G. E. Agrarian and Demographic Modernization of Russia in the Late XIXth – Early XXIst Centuries: Regional Dimension (Scientific School of Professor G. E. Kornilov) / G. E. Kornilov, G. A. Kruglikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 58-63.