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Gymnastics of the Voice
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Abstract: The article deals with the questions of the influence of vocal and rhythmic gymnastics upon human health. It traces the relationship of physical and musical culture in the upbringing of children. The authors stress the significance of physical exercise for health preservation and preparation for different activities. They reveal the role of muscle interplay in singing and movement. It is noted that impairments in the organs of voice production can affect the performance of people in different professions. Therefore, training the voice is important for both musicians and athletes, as well as in teaching the art of ballet and other activities. The article demonstrates the necessity of training singing breathing in combination with various muscle movements of the student’s body. The article analyzes various breathing and articulation exercises that allow the teacher to create and test in practice at school and in student auditoriums the gymnastics of the voice. It includes vocal and rhythmic exercises on different vowels in conjunction with slight movements of the whole body. These movements create bio-acoustic resonance in the human body. It is shown that vocal vibration has a positive effect on all internal organs. It reports positive effects of vibro-gymnastics for schoolchildren and students of pedagogical higher school. It is recommended to include gymnastics of the voice in the learning process.
Key words: Physical and musical culture; sound vibro-gymnastics; gymnastics of the voice; breathing and articulation exercises; breath, movement and health; industrial gymnastics.
For citation
Chernova, L. V. Gymnastics of the Voice / L. V. Chernova, D. E. Chernov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 290-294.