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Methods of Teaching Swimming to Junior Schoolchildren for Passing the Requirements of the All-Russian Sports Complex GTO
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Abstract: The problem of mass training of population in swimming, which became especially vital after signing the decree on the introduction of the all-Russian sports complex “Ready to Work and Defense” (GTO), needs reconsideration of traditional methods used in children’s sports schools and swimming pool groups: it is necessary to reduce hours of training swimming and raise the effectiveness of acquisition of the learning material. In connection with this the article discloses the effectiveness of the simulation game method of teaching swimming to junior preschool children and analyzes the traditional method of teaching swimming. The authors define the goals and tasks, means and methods and general pedagogical principles of the simulation game method of teaching swimming to junior preschool children, point at the drawbacks of this method and provide methods recommendations on the organization of classes in the form of a game. The undertaken research argues that the children who were taught swimming with the help of the simulation game method quickly learn the technique of swimming motions and, what is still more important, acquire the swimming skills in a faster way, which is of great pragmatic value as a means of prevention of accidents in the water; they are also more successful in competitions in passing the requirements of the ARSC GTO.
Key words: Swimming; junior school age; methods of teaching basic skills of swimming; game.
For citation
Pushkareva, I. N. Methods of Teaching Swimming to Junior Schoolchildren for Passing the Requirements of the All-Russian Sports Complex GTO / I. N. Pushkareva, L. F. Startseva, K. A. Tychkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 271-275.