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ARSC GTO Through the Prism of Lingual Mentality of Students
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Abstract: The article argues that the realization of the project of promotion of the All-Russian Sports Complex “Ready to Work and Defense” (ARSC GTO) presupposes the formation of the mental environment of the ARSC GTO uniting cognitive, emotive and axiological components. An important role in the structure of the modeled mental environment is given to the title of the complex because it is the title that acts as a stimulus forming the initial vector of perception of this phenomenon. And the title of the complex is a certain marker, the analysis of representation of which in lingual mentality allows the researcher to evaluate the attitude of the speakers of a language to the phenomenon in general. The implementation of the ARSC GTO in the Russian Federation goes through certain stages, and students of education institutions of different levels got involved in the process at the first stage. In this connection, it is interesting to see how the given phenomenon is taken by the young people a year since its revival, how the renewed title revised through modern realia is reflected in their lingual mentality. The study was conducted with help of the method of free association experiment; first year students of the Ural State Pedagogical University were tested. The obtained results make it possible to assess the effectiveness and lay out further ways of perfection of the process of promotion of the All-Russian Sports Complex “Ready to Work and Defense” (GTO).
Key words: ARSC GTO; psyco-linguistic experiment; association experiment; lingual mentality; meaning; semantics.
For citation
Vaganova, I. Y. ARSC GTO Through the Prism of Lingual Mentality of Students / I. Y. Vaganova, V. A. Racheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 238-242.