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Pedagogical Support as Modern Educational Practice
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Abstract: The article deals with pedagogical support as a modern educational technology to help self-learners, and serving as an essential condition of formation of individuality of a person. It provides a retrospective analysis of scientific ideas on the nature of pedagogic support. Theoretical postulates of O.S. Gazman on pedagogical support are listed in their modern interpretation; these postulates are represented in the modern educational practice. O.S. Gazman defines subjectivity (self-being and independence) and individuality as a unique combination of general, special and unique features of man, differentiating him from other individuals to be the basic object of pedagogical support. The main task of the pedagogue, while carrying out pedagogical support, is to give a schoolchild a chance to get the experience of projecting his own position in relation to a certain situation. The following stages of this process are singles out: diagnostic (establishing contact, verbalization of the problem, evaluation of its importance); search (joint search of solution of the problem of overcoming a difficulty); agreement (projecting and common agreement about the necessary actions); activity (support of the child’s initiative, help and interaction); reflexive (discussion, statement, thinking over the experience). It is important to build up such a model of subjective behavior of a person with the help of which the child is capable of taking a reflexive position in relation to himself and the circumstances and by a projective-volitional effort solves the conflict.
Key words: Childhood, the situation of modern childhood, educational support, education, individualization, self-development of students.
For citation
Ivanova, I. V. Pedagogical Support as Modern Educational Practice / I. V. Ivanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 108-112.