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Training Teachers in Sverdlovsk in 1946–1960
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Abstract: The article deals with the understudied problems of training secondary school teachers by the example of Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute experience in the context of new tasks that were set after the war, including the problem of growth of the number of students and faculty, improvement of education process and better equipment of the university. The development of pedagogical education at the time under consideration was conditioned by the state plans of restoration and further development of national economy and a high rate of scientific-technical revolution, which demanded expansion of the network of primary, seven-year and secondary schools. The article studies various aspects of activity of Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute: scientific-research activity of the faculty and students (including the one connected with creation of the students’ scientific society and regular scientific conferences), organizational forms of classes (lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory works, course and diploma projects), academic and education process, amateur performances, sports and tourism movement, pedagogical practice of students and cooperation of the higher school with local education authorities. The author characterizes the specificity of education at that time: the period of study at the institute was considered to be an important stage in the civil formation of a person; the education system was a uniform and well-balanced, complex and versatile mechanism of ensuring a successful solution of the problem training highly-educated teachers. The main aim of education of that time was the formation of ideologically correct, theoretically well-prepared, morally educated and psychologically trained teachers of the soviet school. During the period under study Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute became one of the leading pedagogical higher education institutions not only in the Urals but in Russia in general.
Key words: Pedagogical education; school; institute; teaching staff; education policy.
For citation
Guznenko, Z. I. Training Teachers in Sverdlovsk in 1946–1960 / Z. I. Guznenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 7-16.