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Regional Peculiarities of Implementation of the All-Russian Sports Complex GTO
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Abstract: The implementation of the All-Russian Sports Complex “Ready to Work and Defense” (GTO) on the huge territory of Russia is connected with the necessity to take into account of a number of regional peculiarities. Yugra is a typical example of an extreme natural zone. The state of health, physical development and preparation of children and studying young people in these conditions reflects the sum total effect of influences of many factors in their interconnection, including synergy, antagonism and cumulation. The authors discovered some adaptive and compensatory manifestations in separate systems of the organism of schoolchildren as a response to the natural-climatic specificity of the region, which are put at the basis of regional standards of physical development and preparation. The implementation of the All-Russian Sports Complex reflects the change of general orientation of our education from knowledge to activity oriented paradigm. In this connection, the question of the level of formation of the competence, connected with formation of physical culture and the culture of healthy and safe life style of students and teachers becomes especially important. The study of this level in students and teachers of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra revealed that it is not higher than 50% of the possible value. And this figure is made up mostly by the motivation-evaluative, cognitive and orientative components. But the most important components – experience and ability to use methods and techniques of healthy activity – represent a weak point in the preparation of students and teachers.
Key words: Adaptive-compensatory mechanisms; regional standards; physical culture; culture of healthy lifestyle; competence.
For citation
Vishnevskiy, V. A. Regional Peculiarities of Implementation of the All-Russian Sports Complex GTO / V. A. Vishnevskiy, I. E. Yudenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 243-248 .