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Quality of Social Professional Education and Self-realization of the Individual
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Abstract: The materials present the key aspects of social professional education as the most important socio-cultural institution that forms the mentality of a social community; consider the main principles of state policy in the field of education; identify ways to ensure the quality of training of future specialists; identify the main principles of external and internal quality assurance of higher education; strategic and practice-oriented directions of social professional education are analyzed, among which considerable attention is paid to the problems of self-sufficiency of the individual, positive social consciousness, education of a proactive attitude to public life, purposeful formation of the prestige of a specialist working in the social sphere.
Key words: Education; professional education; personal fulfillment; quality education; quality assurance training; quality of education in the field of social activities; strategic and application-oriented courses.
For citation
Larionova, I. A. Quality of Social Professional Education and Self-realization of the Individual / I. A. Larionova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 71-77.