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The Nature of the Relations and Duality of the Individual Being of Man
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Abstract: In the process of evolution of the individual being of a person, a new type of relationship is formed-co-relations as relations to relations. The presence within the individual being of relatedness to another person is a necessary condition for the co-relation and duality of its integrity as co-being, which is realized in relation to itself and in relation to the other. The duality of individual existence is based on the objective doubling of a person, which initially creates a situation of co-relation of at least 2 individuals realized in a subject and a "double ring" of movement of object and semantic content between them. This enables the process of sale (customized) and development of the person of his integrity to "withdraw" beyond the individual to interact with another person, and the concentrations of the integrity of their sales to realize every man is not within himself, but within its events. The uniqueness of human existence in nature is determined by the realization of the universality of its co-existence. A unique complex of co-relations of objectively realized individuals in the integrity of co-existence is formed. The duality and versatility of individual life events as primary in relation to duality and the universality of co-existential qualities of individuality – consciousness, co-operation, with-sensation, communication, co-lead.
Key words: Objective doubling of a person; relations in co-being; co-relation as relation to relation; primary duality of individual being; secondary duality of co-knowledge, co-action, co-feeling, co-communication, co-conduct of the individual.
For citation
Gert, V. A. The Nature of the Relations and Duality of the Individual Being of Man / V. A. Gert // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 27-32.