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Value Orientations of Young Men and Women, Potential Higher Education Entrants Educational Institutions
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Abstract: The author, analyzing the experience of attracting applicants to higher education, makes an assumption about the reasons for the low efficiency of career guidance in higher education, which includes the problem of value orientations of applicants. The study used an adapted version of the "Value orientations" methodology developed by M. Rokich. The method of mathematical statistics determines the dominant values of modern boys and girls, future entrants to higher education institutions. Modern young men and women who want to go to University, when choosing a profession, rely primarily on the material component of the success of their future profession and at the same time strive for an active life. For them, it is important to gain self-confidence. Modern young men and women choose education, responsibility and self-control as the means to achieve their life goals. The correlation analysis revealed the relationship between terminal and instrumental values. An interesting fact is that financially secure life as a terminal, vital goal is not interconnected with any value-means. Nevertheless, based on the conclusions made, the author gives recommendations for using the results of scientific research.
Key words: Value orientations; values of applicants; goals and means of modern girls and boys; attracting students to the University.
For citation
Avdyukova, A. E. Value Orientations of Young Men and Women, Potential Higher Education Entrants Educational Institutions / A. E. Avdyukova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 47-51.