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Linguodidactic Model of Formation of National-Specific Stylistic Skills in Chinese Students Studying the Russian Language
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Abstract: The article presents a linguodidactic model, the General structure of which is determined by the didactic goal: the formation of national-specific stylistic writing skills of Chinese students in the process of learning Russian. This General goal determines the choice and ways of organizing methodological actions and tools that will ensure its implementation. The content and structural basis for concretizing this didactic goal is the structure of stylistic skills, the formation of which is optimal for Chinese students studying Russian in a Russian University. The stylistic skills we have highlighted reflect different levels of mastering the stylistic norms of the Russian language. The increasing complexity of these stylistic skills as they are formed makes it necessary to consistently master them in the process of teaching Chinese students Russian, which allows us to identify the stages of formation of stylistic skills. In addition, each of the selected skills, in turn, appears as a set of more specific skills that ensure the purposefulness of methodological actions. The implementation of the General goal in the process of teaching Russian to Chinese students is ensured by the application of the specific didactic principles that we have identified, along with General didactic and private didactic principles of teaching a foreign language. Since stylistic skills acquire the greatest importance in writing, their formation in the process of learning the Russian language is mainly carried out using methods of teaching writing.
Key words: Linguodidactic model; formation of stylistic skills; linguistic and cultural orientation; dialogue of cultures; Chinese students studying Russian.
For citation
Suetina, A. I. Linguodidactic Model of Formation of National-Specific Stylistic Skills in Chinese Students Studying the Russian Language / A. I. Suetina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 107-115.