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On the Problem of Formation of the Notion of Goal in Senior Preschool Children
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Abstract: The article argues the urgency of a comprehensive study of formation of the notion of goal in senior preschool children. The author works in the framework of the scientific theory of activity (A. N. Leontyev), in which the goal is recognized as the essential element of activity structure. It is shown in the article that many draft educational programs of preschool education, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards incorporate tasks associated with a child's partial ability to set and achieve goals by the end of preschool age in various activities. The article also describes the features of goal setting on different stages of early childhood. Formation of skills of goal setting and pursuing its achievement is important for education activity. Therefore senior preschool age is optimal for the formation of the notion of goal. The notion of goal may be effectively formed through perceptible images and cartoons which are an optimal way in this direction, due to their visual character and accessibility for children of this age. By the example of cartoons, which children perceive visually and emotionally, the teacher can explain to the children in a clear form the essence of the notion of goal and what kinds of goals exist in our life. Watching cartoons is accompanied by a conversation supported by questions and by productive-creative activity. The developed methodology facilitates the formation of the notion of goal in senior preschool children by means of cartoons.
Key words: Theory of activity; goal; the notion of goal; senior preschool children; possibilities of formation of the notion of goal in preschool children.
For citation
Burukhina, A. F. On the Problem of Formation of the Notion of Goal in Senior Preschool Children / A. F. Burukhina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №4. – P. 51-56.