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Learner-Centered Forms of Error Correction at the Russian Language Lessons in the 5th Form of a General Education Secondary School
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Abstract: The article analyses the problems of developing spelling skills of the 5th grade pupils in accordance with the new Federal Educational Standard. It presents the basic forms of error correction work aimed at developing personal and metasubject universal learning actions of the pupils at the Russian language lessons. The author pays special attention to the principles of differentiation and individualization of the teaching process as the leading factors of learner-centered education. Theoretical results are supported by practical evidence received during the correction work aimed at development of spelling skills in middle grades, and the dynamics of improvement is evident. The article presents the structure of an error correction lesson-analysis in a general way. While analyzing the system of organization and assessment of correction work the author considers possible to introduce the elements of stimulating control – self-correction of mistakes by the pupils themselves according to a model. The author presents a set of motivating exercises, which may activate the process of pupils’ thinking activity. In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that the tasks of this kind help the pupils not only to analyze their errors, but let them realize the language as a system and make the learning process more interesting.
Key words: Spelling error; spelling exercise; error correction work; work forms; individual work; group work; collective work.
For citation
Vokhmina, Y. S. Learner-Centered Forms of Error Correction at the Russian Language Lessons in the 5th Form of a General Education Secondary School / Y. S. Vokhmina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №4. – P. 77-84.