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Pedagogical Conditions Promoting the Development of Professional Competences in Independent Work of Students
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Abstract: The article deals with the pedagogical conditions promoting the development of professional competence of independent work of students of technical universities by the example of studying the bachelor discipline of "Hydraulics and oil and gas hydromechanics" in the course of "Oil and gas engineering". The author proposes to use the following pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competences in the learning process: formation of the subject-subject relations between the student and the teacher and use of prolonged tasks and monitoring of the education process. The subject-subject relations are recommended to be formed on the basis of dialogue between the teacher and the student. The student should possess a well formed subject position, which means that he/she should be able to act as the subject of educational-cognitive activity. The formation of the subject position of the student may be facilitated by his/her independent actions, goal setting, activity and possibility to make choices and take responsibility. It is necessary to form students’ motivation to self-education through purposeful pedagogical actions. The formation of subject-subject relations depends on the position of the teacher. The development of professional competences in independent work may be enhanced by the use of prolonged tasks, including professional tasks, having a continuous nature. Conducting monitoring as a regular and systematic procedure and an aid in establishing feedback between the subject and the object of activity is the necessary condition of the education process.
Key words: The subject-subject relations; subject, dialogue; prolonged tasks; monitoring.
For citation
Guseynova, E. L. Pedagogical Conditions Promoting the Development of Professional Competences in Independent Work of Students / E. L. Guseynova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №4. – P. 23-28.