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Formation of Professional Competence in Students of Technical Universities of Mongolia Studying Higher Mathematics
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Abstract: The article deals with the formation of professional competence in students of technical universities of Mongolia studying higher mathematics. Thus, the object of study is the formation of professional competence in the process of teaching mathematics in higher and technical education, and the subject of the study – construction and analysis of mathematical models of applied professional tasks as means of formation of professional competence. The purpose of the study is to show how construction and analysis of mathematical models of tasks in the professional field of future specialists affect the development of individual components of professional competences. The article presents the essence, structure and specific nature of professional competence of students of higher technical institutions; it conducts an analysis of the content of mathematical training of students of higher technical institutions and the problems of realization of inter-subject relations of mathematics with other disciplines of the curriculum; discusses the role of mathematical models in realization of the applied orientation of teaching mathematics in higher technical institutions; discloses the process of formation of professional competence of future professionals and methods of teaching applied problems solving in professional activity by building and analyzing their mathematical models aimed at the formation of professional competence of future professionals. The results of the study could be used to enhance the process of teaching mathematics in technical universities of Mongolia and Russia.
Key words: Competence approach in education; specialist competence; professional competence; higher technical education; mathematical model of an applied task.
For citation
Oyuntuya, D. Formation of Professional Competence in Students of Technical Universities of Mongolia Studying Higher Mathematics / D. Oyuntuya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №5. – P. 135-141.