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Abstract: The article examines the potential of the subject "physics" in the development of an active creative competence of pupils necessary for achievement of success in any sphere of activity. It is noted that an integral part of competence formation is made up by the development of motivational value-oriented sphere of personality, serving as one of the regulators of human behavior and as a stimulus to the acquisition of activity experience, necessary for the development of the competence. An important role in this process is played by the educational environment of a student. On the basis of analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the author considers the concept of educational environment and the structure of the educational environment of teaching physics. The following components are singled out in this structure: information resources, subjects of education, equipment and social and industrial infrastructure of the region; then, their approximate content is defined. The article proposes a four-level representation of the educational environment of teaching physics. In accordance with the theories of gradual assimilation of knowledge, skills and value orientations, as well as the dynamics of the motivational sphere of personality, the article singles out stages of development of the active creative competence in the organization of activity of pupils using various resources of the educational environment. It also describes the role of physics teachers and pupils at each stage and provides examples of the components of educational environments in different regions of the country.
Key words: Active creative competence; educational environment; motivational value-oriented structure of personality; the process of teaching physics at school.

For citation

Merzlyakova, O. P. The Role of Educational Environment in the Development of Active Creative Competence of Pupils in Teaching Physics / O. P. Merzlyakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №5. – P. 74-79.