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Search and Modification of Interactive Methods of Training
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Abstract: Materials of article are devoted to a problem of development of methodical equipment of a subject matter. The author represents results of personal experiment on search and modification of interactive methods of training in the course of teaching disciplines of a psychological cycle.
When using of the known, confirmed the efficiency interactive methods of training in the teacher it is necessary to adapt them for the taught discipline, a subject, the purposes and problems of concrete educational occupation. Therefore rather often teachers use a method not entirely, and in the form of reception, as parts of a method. Specific features of the teacher, his requirement to professional creativity, specifics of a subject matter demand active participation of the teacher in transformation or modification of this or that pedagogical reception. The most often found didactic plan of the receptions used in the course of teaching disciplines of a psychological cycle is training of organs of articulation, development of acting skills, stimulation of informative activity, an emotional discharge trained. Elements practically of all interactive methods (a method of projects, discussion, a case method, brainstorming, training, etc.) in a varying degree are suitable for achievement of the specified didactic installations. Characteristic feature of process of modification of interactive methods of training is its incompleteness. Every new academic year the teacher becomes more senior, and trained – is younger. Increase in a gap between “occupation layer” of the teacher and pupil, actual the flowing reformational changes in education, aspiration of each teacher continuous recently to correspond to “spirit of the age” create prerequisites for continuous improvement of the interactive methods of training found and processed for the needs.
Key words: Interactive methods; modification; didactic plan; pedagogical reception; informative activity.
For citation
Stepanov, R. I. Search and Modification of Interactive Methods of Training / R. I. Stepanov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №5. – P. 33-38.