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Content and Structure of the Model of General Cultural Competence in Higher Professional Education of Future Lawyers
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Abstract: The new educational standards in Russia are based on the competence approach. As a result, new models of education are created, perfected and modified. They serve as links for transmission of the essence of the notion of leaning activity on a scientific-empirical level. The list of competences of the new Federal Educational Standards includes units of three kinds: professional competences, general cultural competences and special competences. In the given research, the author deals with the general cultural competences as they are very important for the formation of the professional image of higher school graduates. While designing the model of the general cultural competence of bachelors in the field of “Jurisdiction” the author follows the views of S.L. Troyanskaya expressed in her paper “General Cultural Competence: experience of definition and structuring”. In accordance with the presented model of education the teacher could control the process of formation of the professional image of a future university graduate and see what disciplines are involved in the formation of his general cultural competence. By comparing the list of competences necessary for a specialist in a concrete subject field (model of a specialist) with the list of curriculum competences of a university graduate in the same field (model of a graduate) it is possible to improve the system of education with the purpose of preparation of specialists meeting current requirements of the labor market.
Key words: Competence approach; competence; model of general cultural competence; teaching model; model of a graduate.
For citation
Kuznetsova, G. N. Content and Structure of the Model of General Cultural Competence in Higher Professional Education of Future Lawyers / G. N. Kuznetsova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №5. – P. 26-30.