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The Study of Psychological Barriers of Professional Development of Teachers of Educational Institutions
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the urgent problem of psychological barriers of professional development of teachers. The article presents a review of the basic approaches to the study of psychological barriers and to the development of personality in the works of domestic and foreign scholars. This article provides the results of a study of psychological barriers of professional development of teachers, held in educational institutions of various types and kinds in Nizhny Tagil. On the basis of analysis of literature and results of empirical research, the author singles out and characterizes three types of barriers to professional development of teachers (emotional-personal, professional and social) depending on the stage of professional career in accordance with age and pedagogical experience. Emotional-personal barriers are the result of subjective internal factors. Subjective external causes initiate professional barriers (absence of conditions for professional development, professional difficulties, neglect by authorities, etc.) and social (low salary, absence of interest to education in society, etc.) barriers. The study revealed the main factors, which provoke the emergence of barriers of professional development of teachers.
Key words: Professional development of the teacher; psychological barriers; emotional-personal, professional and social causes and factors.
For citation
Simonova, E. G. The Study of Psychological Barriers of Professional Development of Teachers of Educational Institutions / E. G. Simonova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №6. – P. 198-203 .