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Psychological Support of Deviant Teenagers with Special Educational Needs in Accordance with Federal State Educational Standards
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Abstract: The article describes methodological and theoretical foundations of correctional and developing program for the rehabilitation of deviant teenagers with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) on the basis of the FSES. The set of mandatory requirements to the structure, the terms of implementation and results of the adapted basic education programs for students with special educational needs includes personal results - the students should possess developed competences in the field of self-knowledge, self-relation, ability to use the forms of interaction with others and realize their potential. The paper discusses the form of psychological support of educational process for the realization of this task. The article presents the structure, methods and forms of correctional and development activity with the students from the point of view of the principle of replacing ontogenesis: employment of classroom exercises aimed at the development of selfregulation and the formation of the optimal functional status of the brain; exercises aimed at stabilizing hemispheric interactions and specialization of the left and right hemispheres; exercises designed to develop skills of planning and conduct analysis of the situation with a forecast of their solution. The article describes the specific features of activity of a teacher-psychologist with the subjects of the education process based on the principle of inclusion of the immediate social environment in correctional activity.
Key words: Federal state educational standard of education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities); diagnostics; correction; principle of replacing ontogenesis.
For citation
Melnikova, M. L. Psychological Support of Deviant Teenagers with Special Educational Needs in Accordance with Federal State Educational Standards / M. L. Melnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №6. – P. 187-192.