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The Interrelation of Verbal Aggression and Deviant Behavior of Teenagers
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Abstract: The article contains the results of a theoretical analysis and empirical study of interrelation of verbal aggression and deviant behavior of teenagers. Adolescence is a crisis period characterized by the emergence and development of various forms of self-defense, fighting for independence, manifestation of negativism, stubbornness, open disobedience and conflicts with adults. Verbal aggression is manifested in speech by rudeness, insulting the interlocutor, negative interpersonal communication, expression of negative emotions and patterns of behavior in conflict and non-conflict situations. Verbal aggression is the most universal factor in the age of transition to adulthood. It may be expressed in teenagers in the form of negative verbal statements, threats, yelling and snitching. That is why, the peak of manifestation of verbal aggression is observed in younger teenagers and is a sign of deviant behavior. The results of the presented research allow developing a program of psychological prophylaxis of verbal aggression of teenagers aimed at interaction of the subjects of educational process: teenagers, parents and teachers.
Key words: Aggressive behavior; verbal aggression; crisis; deviant behavior; teenagers; subjects of education.
For citation
Dubrovina, D. A. The Interrelation of Verbal Aggression and Deviant Behavior of Teenagers / D. A. Dubrovina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №6. – P. 151-154.