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Methodological Aspects of Development of the System of Additional Education
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Abstract: The article presents a systemic approach to the realization of the system of additional education. The systemic approach is used to analyze objects, consisting of many interacting elements, connected by a common function, goals and typical management. In the given study, the author believes that it is possible to identify the properties of the object under examination and to show the relationships between the elements of the object represented by the method of modeling, which makes it possible to identify the most important features of the object: objectivity, appropriateness, necessity and effectiveness. The choice of methodological trends of the formulated problem of development of the system of supplementary education is defined by: 1) social order, realized in legislation and objective needs of society; 2) theoretical concepts, revealing the current level of development of educational research; 3) practical experience in management and educational research. The content of this article reveals the aims of theoretical and methodological approaches (for example, a systemic approach) as a method of scientific cognition and opens new possibilities to discover the principles, taking into account the features of complementarity, consistency and objectivity. The method of modeling, described in the article, is directly related to the development of new knowledge in the framework of the ideas of systemic approach; in this case, the author specifies the notions of "system" and "pedagogical system". The study of the definitions of the development model of the system of additional education makes it imperative to identify pedagogical conditions as the sum total of the pedagogical process, aimed at its success, and the logic of their definition.
Key words: System; approach; principles; methodological strategy; meta-principles.
For citation
Litvak, R. A. Methodological Aspects of Development of the System of Additional Education / R. A. Litvak // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 224-228.