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Raising the Efficiency of Teacher Education through Networking on the Basis of a Logistic Approach
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Abstract: The article describes a mechanism for networking of various levels of education, disclosed major problems in the system of teacher education in the Russian Federation, including those requiring rapid response: problems of inclusion in the given profession, problems of training specialists and keeping them in the profession, etc. It analyses the main trends of development of the education system in Sverdlovsk region, specifies the notions of "collaboration", "social partnership" and "networking", examines various approaches to the definition of the notion of "logistics", defines a new approach – logistics is considered as a process and a tool to manage streaming processes in the structure of education. The author substantiates the logistic approach as a means of improving the effectiveness of teacher education, defines the components of network communication in the system of teacher education and discloses the principles, in accordance with which the logistic approach to the system of teacher education is built. The article argues that it is the idea of building a functional model that lies at the basis of raising the effectiveness of teacher education through networking. The article also specifies the notion of “effectiveness” and regards the problem of raising the effectiveness of teacher education in three directions (goal setting, economic and social).
Key words: Networking; logistic approach; raising efficiency.
For citation
Trofimova, O. A. Raising the Efficiency of Teacher Education through Networking on the Basis of a Logistic Approach / O. A. Trofimova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 229-233.