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On the Question of Formation of Terminological Apparatus for Studying Categorization in Lingual Mentality
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Abstract: The article offers a new linguo-cognitive approach to the interpretation of the term ―linguistic worldview‖. In the framework of the presented theory, it is suggested we regard the linguistic worldview as a complex structured linguo-mental phenomenon embracing variants and variations. Differentiation of variants of the linguistic worldview is based on the type of lexical categorization (scientific, professional and naïve categorization). The following distinguishing features of different types of lexical categorization are singled out: source domain of information (cognition), specificity of the subject(s) of cognition, sphere of presentation (being) of the system of knowledge and impressions about the real or imaginary world, verbal means of representation of categorial knowledge and functional-pragmatic peculiarities of the process of categorization. It is underlined in the article that radical differences in functional-semantic organization and functional-pragmatic peculiarities of lexical categories admit of further delimitation of worldview variants into their variations, and namely, variations of the scientific linguistic worldview (philosophical, psychological, physical, biological, medical and other worldviews), professional worldview (juridical, commercial-economic, business, lexicographical and other worldviews) and naïve worldview (age, gender and similar variations). Specificity of worldview variants and variations is shown on the example of the lexical category ―BERRIES‖ in scientific (botanical and agronomical), professional (commercial-economic, culinary and lexicographical) and naïve worldviews.
Key words: Linguistic worldview; lingual mentality; lexical categorization; verbal means of representation of categorial knowledge; lexical category ―BERRIES‖ in scientific (botanical and agronomical), professional (commercial-economic, culinary and lexicographical) and naïve worldviews.
For citation
Dziuba, E. V. On the Question of Formation of Terminological Apparatus for Studying Categorization in Lingual Mentality / E. V. Dziuba // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №8. – P. 129-135.