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Ethnopedagogical Traditions in Raising Pedagogical Potential of Family
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Abstract: The article dwells on theoretical aspects of ethnopedagogical traditions and offers recommendations for devising methods which could raise the level of pedagogical potential of parents, which is a prerequisite of happy family life. Ethnopedagogical traditions possess a considerable pedagogical potential and may serve as an effective means of moral-spiritual education. Today, the pedagogical potential of a family is formed without control: under the influence of mass media, and seldom – in the result of self-education or through consultations with specialists in this field. Popular pedagogy was to a large degree based on practical usage of educational potential of folklore: epos, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs and sayings. It is necessary to acquaint children with national fairy tales, legend and epos. As educational tools they contain moral and spiritual ideals and behavioral norms. The Yakuts, Evens and other peoples of the North bring up industry, quick wit and marksmanship in their children. Very early in their life children receive skills of everyday labor in the family or go fishing or hunting. The article offers a method of defining pedagogical potential of a family with the following diagnostic levels: high potential (The family fully satisfies the socio-psychological needs of every member. They know national traditions and customs of their people and their family.); medium level (The family tries to satisfy the socio-psychological needs of the child but does not always do it successfully. They do not know national traditions and customs of their people and their family. In critical situations they do not turn to corresponding organizations for help); low level (The family practically fails to satisfy the socio-psychological needs of its members and the parents’ level of general culture is very low.).
Key words: Family; education; tradition; parents; children; pedagogical potential.
For citation
Kulakovskaya-Dyakonova, A. Z. Ethnopedagogical Traditions in Raising Pedagogical Potential of Family / A. Z. Kulakovskaya-Dyakonova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 179-182.