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Typology of Adolescents Prone to Cyber Addiction
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Abstract: The article describes the results of an empirical research to identify typologies of adolescents prone to cyber addiction. Cluster analysis reveals three types of adolescents prone to cyber addiction. The factor structure of each type of adolescents liable to cyber addiction is described. The article defines the urgency of empirical research and identification of the typology of cyber addiction in adolescents. The article describes the main stages of research, presents the methods and techniques of research and characterized the sampling. The beginning of the article formulates the problem of research connected with the global computerization of the modern society. Then the article describes the undertaken analysis of the stages, factors and components of formation of cyber addiction in adolescents. The following types of adolescents prone to cyber addiction are singled out: conflicting type, aggressive type and socially introverted type; each type is characterized by its own peculiarities. The authors characterize the sample group indicating the age of the tested adolescents and the methods of grouping; the research methods and their choice are also described. The article presents the results of research in quantitative and qualitative form, as well as the comparison of the three groups. The problem field for the experimental group is also defined with the aim of developing and testing a program of psycho-pedagogical support of teenagers prone to cyber addiction.
Key words: Cyber reality, adolescence, typology of teenagers, prone to cyber addiction, anxiety, aggressiveness, negative attitude to oneself, pessimistic attitude, social introversion, conflict.
For citation
Naboychenko, S. E. Typology of Adolescents Prone to Cyber Addiction / E. S. Naboychenko, I. L. Okuneva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 94-98.