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Etiology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at Different Periods of Ontogenesis
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Abstract: The article describes theoretical aspects of the study in the psychology of manifestations and causes of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity in children of different ages, presents an analysis of different approaches to the issue in foreign and domestic studies. The article identifies the urgency of the problem, singles out and identifies the key notions of the problem of hyperactivity, presents different viewpoints on the nature of hyperactivity in children, provides a characteristic of a hyperactive child, describes the factors and the determinants of ADHD. In the beginning of the article the authors formulate the problem of research, which consists in the growing number of children with hyperactivity disorder in recent years. The article presents the results of research of the causes of ADHD and the analysis of stages, factors and components in the development of hyperactivity in children. It reveals gender peculiarities of hyperactivity in children. The article describes different opinions considering hyperactivity of children from the point of view of psychological and physiological preconditions of this phenomenon. It singles out possible causes of hyperactivity in children: birth trauma, neonatal asphyxia, mother’s age, characteristics of family education, development of cognitive processes, behavior and emotional-volitional sphere. The presented theoretical analysis determined the content of the notion of ADHD and the causes and factors of its formation.
Key words: Attention deficit disorder; hyperactivity; impaired mental development in children; minimal brain dysfunction; symptoms of hyperactivity; psychological and somatic disorders; different periods of ontogenesis.
For citation
Naboychenko, E. S. Etiology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at Different Periods of Ontogenesis / E. S. Naboychenko, E. F. Abshilava // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 183-187.