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Formation of the Normative Competence of Engineer as the Necessary Condition of Development of Their Professional Normative Culture
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Abstract: Improving the system of normative regulation in all spheres of public life, including the system of professional relations, charges educational organizations with the task of forming normative culture of students. There are many definitions of normative culture. On the basis of their analysis, the article offers a working authored definition of normative culture and determines its structure and functions. The competence paradigm of engineering education involves the formation in future specialists of general cultural competences of various content, including the normative one. Formation of the normative competence is the basis for the formation of the normative culture of students. With reference to the content of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education of Bachelors in the field 240100 "Chemical Technology", the article describes the normative competence of bachelors as a structural element of the general cultural competence in this field of education. The article defines the content and functions of the normative competence, as well as identifies the types of professional tasks, implementation of which is provided by the formation of the competence and normative culture in general. The article also defines the specific features of formation of the normative competence of bachelors enrolled in engineering fields ensuring the development of innovative engineering thinking as a prerequisite of engineering.
Key words: Professional normative culture, normative competence, content and functions of normative competence, professional tasks.
For citation
Shchurikova, L. G. Formation of the Normative Competence of Engineer as the Necessary Condition of Development of Their Professional Normative Culture / L. G. Shchurikova, O. N. Garipova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 63-67.