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Project-based Learning as a Method of Formation of Universal Project Skills of Engineering University Students
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Abstract: The need to form universal project skills of engineering higher school graduates is called forth by the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education and consists in formation of ability of graduates of engineering universities to adapt quickly to the changing conditions. Training of highly qualified competitive engineers is a task of prime importance for all technical universities of the country. A modern graduate is an engineer prepared to technological, organizational and management related activity. In other words, the graduate must be able to design highly technological advanced engineering systems and analyze the effectiveness of the project as compared with other projects. It is necessary to answer the question of how to prepare such a specialist in the present conditions in which the current education system lags behind the processes taking place in society. This paper discusses the possibility of forming universal project skills of students as a result of project activities. The article analyzes works devoted to the project activity of students. The author presents theoretical foundations of the project method and outlines the requirements for its application. The article also specifies the stages of doing the project, presents the skills necessary for each step and shows the correspondence of the formed skills to the stages of the project.
Key words: Project method; project activities; project skills; universal project skills.
For citation
Pak, V. V. Project-based Learning as a Method of Formation of Universal Project Skills of Engineering University Students / V. V. Pak // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 68-74.