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Integrative Mathematical Problems and Problems with Variable Conditions as a Means of Formation of Creative Competence of Students
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Abstract: The article considers the problem of preparation of students enrolled in educational programs of natural science and economic orientation to their future of creative professional activity through the implementation of the principles of integrative approach in teaching mathematics. Particular attention is paid to the organization of educational and creative activity of students in learning mathematics. The article considers the conditions of formation of general-creative and professional-creative competences of future specialists in the process of teaching mathematics based on integrative approach. The authors offer a method of formation of these competences, the core of which is made up by complexes of mathematical problems with variable conditions and complexes of integrative mathematical problems. The article dwells on mechanisms and means of realization of the principles of integrative approach both at the level intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections between the components of systemically constructed content of education. The proposed new complexes of tasks presuppose integration of the known methods and means of teaching mathematics, primarily due to the mandatory requirement for students to solve the set problems not only using one, but a variety of ways. This develops students' divergent thinking, which is the most important characteristic of creativity. The article provides examples of setting up and solving mathematical problems with variable conditions and integrative mathematical problems from the complexes worked out by the authors.
Key words: Integrative approach; teaching students mathematical disciplines; learning creative activity; creative competence; formation of professional and creative competence; complexes of mathematical problems with variable conditions; complexes of integrative mathematical problems.
For citation
Rassamagina, F. A. Integrative Mathematical Problems and Problems with Variable Conditions as a Means of Formation of Creative Competence of Students / F. A. Rassamagina, S. A. Novoselov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 51-56.