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Frame-analysis Potential in Formation of the Image of a City in Students-Culturologists: Problem Formulation
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Abstract: The article attempts at revealing the possibility of application of the theory of frames to professional training of students-culturologists on the example of formation of the image of a city. Generalization of experience of work with students in the academic courses devoted to the study of city culture allows the author to reveal the fact that the image of a city in the minds of students is fragmentary and mosaic. In order to form a wholesome and positive image of a city it is necessary to devise new instruments allowing the teacher-culturologist to realize educational tasks. The author suggests that application of the tools of the theory of frames may widen the possibilities of already existing methods of pedagogical practice. The peculiarities of the frame-analysis consist in revealing a certain research “frame” which would enable to single out a fragment of the image of a city as a projection of the subject position of an “observer” – bearer of a certain value-oriented worldview which would display all changes in the city environment (physical, symbolic, mental, social and virtual). Inclusion of the theory of frames into the courses devoted to the study of city culture may become a basis of innovative methods and be actively used in project activity at the present stage of modernization of education.
Key words: Frame; theory of frames; frame-analysis; image of a city; regional identity; educational activity.
For citation
Sukhonosova, S. V. Frame-analysis Potential in Formation of the Image of a City in Students-Culturologists: Problem Formulation / S. V. Sukhonosova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 227-232.