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Development of the Structure and Content of the Meaningful Constructs of Students’ Healthy Lifestyle
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of depreciation of the notion “healthy lifestyle” and the ensuing necessity to search for pedagogical higher school resources of ensuring transformation of knowledge about healthy life style into personal beliefs of healthy living of students. Actualization and activization of these resources provides a possibility to create a structure of meaningful constructs of healthy lifestyle. These resources consist in the basic paradigms of formation of healthy lifestyle, Federal State Educational Standards containing the requirements to the students’ competences, blocks of disciplines aimed at formation of the basic elements of healthy lifestyle, complexes of methods and means of pedagogical influence meant to prepare students to practice healthy living and development of the healthy lifestyle competence. The article offers definitions of such notions as: healthy lifestyle construct and meaningful construct of healthy lifestyle. The following constructs are considered to be the basic meaningful ones: paradigmatic construct, represented by key paradigms of healthy lifestyle formation (philosophical-culturological, medico-hygienic, physical cultural-recreational, valeological and psycho-pedagogical), construct of standards and competences, including a complex of general cultural and professional competences, academic construct, comprising academic disciplines studying which the student gets the complex knowledge about the elements of healthy lifestyle and methods construct represented by a system of methods with resources of transformation of knowledge about healthy life style into personal beliefs of healthy living.
Key words: Healthy lifestyle, construct, meaningful construct.
For citation
Yugova, E. A. Development of the Structure and Content of the Meaningful Constructs of Students’ Healthy Lifestyle / E. A. Yugova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 110-115.