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Conceptual Foundations of Integration of Mathematical Education in the System “School – University” at Pre-university Level. Part 1. Methodological Problems of Reforming Mathematical Education in the System "School – University" at Pre-university Level
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Abstract: The purpose of research is mutual enrichment of the Russian system of pre-university mathematical education with the experience of foreign countries. The article deals with the approaches to the organization of educational activity providing applied orientation to teaching mathematics on the basis of systematic usage of the method of mathematical modeling and student-centered learning in training highly qualified specialists. Specific characteristics of the system of continuous education "school - university" in terms of culturological orientation of training are defined. The conceptual foundations represent a set of values of natural and mathematical education, goals and tasks in forming the content of the courses, as well as the basic principles of their implementation and activity of attracting students to mathematical culture in the system "school - university" at pre-university level. The advanced nature of the course means sufficient amount and rigor of presentation of the basic ideas of theoretical training and applied orientation of teaching of natural and mathematical sciences through effective application of the method of mathematical modeling. The article defines the types of learning activities and mechanisms of realization of international intensive pre-university training in the system of "school - university". Scientific novelty of research consists in substantiation of approaches to establishing ties in educational work, ensuring academic mobility of graduates of schools of Russia and other countries. The article also studies the system of interaction between schools and universities which provides training of specialists and researchers for high-tech industries. The undertaken investigation can improve the continuity of natural sciences and mathematical proper education in Russia and other countries and create mechanisms which would allow Russian school graduates to continue their education outside the Russian Federation, as well as to motivate foreign students to study in Russia.
Key words: Culturological orientation of mathematical education, system of “school - university”, international pre-university education.
For citation
Lur'e, M. L. Conceptual Foundations of Integration of Mathematical Education in the System “School – University” at Pre-university Level. Part 1. Methodological Problems of Reforming Mathematical Education in the System "School – University" at Pre-university Level / M. L. Lur'e // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 13-18.