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Associogram as a Method of Identification of Linguo-Cultural and Mental Specific Features of Russia and the Countries Where the Studied Language is Spoken in the Course of “Foreign Language”
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Abstract: The article deals with the use of associogram as a means of demonstration of linguo-cultural and mental specific features of Russia and foreign language speaking countries in foreign language teaching. In the course of study, students should recognize both typical and specific cultural and linguistic features of mental perception of Russia and the United States. The following forms of manifestation of linguo-cultural and mental specificity of linguistic phenomena may be distinguished: names of historical events (the Great Patriotic War, the Olympic Games in Sochi – Russia, Thanksgiving Day, Pearl Harbor – the USA), names of cultural realities (balalaika, kokoshnik – Russia, roller coasters – the USA) , names of spiritual and moral qualities (patriotism, courage, strong spirit, peace, love, faith – Russia, thirst for power, domination, hatred – the USA). Different types of associograms are used for visual demonstration of the meanings of linguo-cultural and mental notions by restoring associative links; associogram is used as a means of visualization of thinking. The use of graphics in the education process can help to connect previously acquired knowledge with the new one. Experience shows that the use of this method promotes intensification and optimization of the process of foreign language learning, enhances students’ motivation, makes it possible to stimulate students' independent work, allows the use of linguistic and intellectual experience of students in practice.
Key words: Associogram; linguo-cultural and mental specific features; foreign language teaching; general cultural competence; general professional competence; optimization of the process of foreign language learning.
For citation
Sergeeva, N. N. Associogram as a Method of Identification of Linguo-Cultural and Mental Specific Features of Russia and the Countries Where the Studied Language is Spoken in the Course of “Foreign Language” / N. N. Sergeeva, E. M. Alekseeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 204-207.