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Psychological Factors of Professional Development of a Woman
- Hits: 335
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Abstract: The article dwells on psychological factors influencing the professional development of women with the aim of better understanding the problem of realization of their potential and possibilities. The author makes a review of home and foreign research in the field of psychology of labor and ergonomics for the last 20 years. The article highlights psychological peculiarities of professional development of personality of a specialist, influence of this development upon the formation of personality in general and the role of social stereotypes in this process. It analyzes the peculiarities of professional development and processes of self-realization of women and their differences from those of men. The article sets the task to review the latest aspects of interaction between the modern woman and society, both in society at large and in the family. The review results in bringing out and substantiation of necessity to continue the study of the processes of professional development of women because this study is rather urgent for the modern society. The article demonstrates the importance of research of the factors influencing the professional development and perfection on the way of self-realization of women for society and the necessity of working out new approaches to the solution of arising problems. The results of research may be used in the future studies of problems women are faced with on the modern labor market and for creation of methods of helping people realize their potential.
Key words: Professional development of a woman; professional success; personality of a professional; self realization; gender identity; factors of professional development.
For citation
Boyko, I. M. Psychological Factors of Professional Development of a Woman / I. M. Boyko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 149-154.