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Linguo-Methodological Foundations of Teaching Understanding Scientific Learning Texts on the Basis of Typical Sentence Models
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Abstract: The article deals with linguo-methodological foundations of teaching understanding scientific learning texts on the basis of typical sentence models. The foundations include theoretical statements of the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, the linguo-methodological conception of modeling the scientific learning text and linguo-methodological propositions of analysis of scientific learning texts on the basis of typical sentence models. Linguo-methodological foundations also include work with typical fragments of scientific learning texts and typical text models from the textbook of History for the 5th grade. The tasks take into consideration syntagmatic relations between words and paradigmatic relations of the typical sentence model, as well as teaching potential of typical sentence models, word valency and works in the field of text modeling. General didactic and particular didactic principles are also used as linguo-methodological foundations: the principle of classification of denotative roles, the principle of influence of communicative intention upon the structural-semantic organization of the text and the principle of semantic expectancy of the text taking into account typical sentence models. The author’s methodological conception comprises grammatical skills to find in the text typical sentence models and make up sentences on their basis, insert left out models into sentences and create a monologic utterance. The typical sentence model is the central unit of the suggested linguo-methodological conception. The method of modeling is the leading teaching method.
Key words: Didactic theory; methods of teaching; principles of teaching; scientific learning text; modeling; typical sentence model; syntagmatic relations; paradigmatic relations; word valency.
For citation
Trefilova, S. G. Linguo-Methodological Foundations of Teaching Understanding Scientific Learning Texts on the Basis of Typical Sentence Models / S. G. Trefilova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 208-214.