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Regulation of Social Behavior of an Individual in an Organization: Scientific Approaches to Research
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Abstract: The article offers a theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign scientific approaches to the study of regulation of social behavior of the individual. The author considers the dispositional, motivational, goal-setting and ethical-psychological conceptions and theories of normative regulation of social behavior. From the standpoint of subject and object-based approaches the article reveals a complex of interacting psychological factors affecting individuals. It is found that the mechanisms of regulation of organizational behavior have a multi-level and multi-dimensional nature. The involvement of different levels of regulation and their interaction define the characteristics and dynamics of organizational behavior of the individual. The author comes to the conclusion that the search of psychological factors within the scope of regulating influence of the leader is an option for solving the problem of improving the regulation of organizational behavior of the staff. On the level of organization there may be official and non-official norms. Official norms are uniform for a whole number of collectives and may be both formal (set in various documents and regulations of the director) and non-formal. Inadequate degree of formality of official norms reduces their regulating potential. The normative character is a classifying feature of the existing multitude of forms and types of social behavior of a person. In relation to the way the norms are realized behavior may take the form of socially expected one, corresponding to the norms of the given society or organization, or not corresponding to the norms, or deviating from them and illegal (i.e. deviant).
Key words: Social behavior; level-based regulation; psychological factors; regulating influence.
For citation
Gizdatova, T. Y. Regulation of Social Behavior of an Individual in an Organization: Scientific Approaches to Research / T. Y. Gizdatova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 162-169.