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Content of the Educational Field of “Physical Development” and Methods of Its Realization in Inclusive Education
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Abstract: Physical development of children involves not only the development of strength, endurance, flexibility and other qualities of the body. It should also ensure safety of human health and motor culture. The article analyzes scientific and methodological literature on the problem under study, including the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation." It studies and describes the priority areas of physical education of preschool children and the main methods of physical development of children in preschool educational institutions. It also considers metasubject links between the educational field "Physical Development" and other areas of science, including physiology and medicine, psychology and others. The author describes the methods aimed not only at the development of physical characteristics of the child. They are used in pedagogy in all areas and are included in various children's activities. The article describes such methods as visual and verbal ones which are often used in the classroom for the development of speech of children of intermediate and senior groups. It is expected that the use of the methods and techniques of the educational field "Physical Development" will not only form the motor sphere of children, but will also indirectly develop other fields of activity.
Key words: Inclusive education; educational field; physical development, preschool children.
For citation
Ryabova, E. I. Content of the Educational Field of “Physical Development” and Methods of Its Realization in Inclusive Education / E. I. Ryabova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 127-130.