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Linguistic Component in Training Teacher-Defectologists
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Abstract: The article deals with the peculiarities of linguistic and methods training of Bachelors in the field of “Special (defectological) Education” in connection with the new requirements to special pedagogical education reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Different kinds of professional activity of a teacher-defectologist (corrective-pedagogical, diagnostic-consultative, research and cultural-educational) presuppose knowledge of the basic lines of the state policy in the field of language, ability to produce logically correct, clear and argumentative speech, give definitions, examples and arguments, possess skills of literary written and oral speech, skills of public speech, argumentation, leading discussion and dispute; all this demands inclusion of the linguistic component in education. For future logopedists Russian is an instrument of corrective influence on children with special educational needs; it is impossible to do correction of speech impairments effectively without knowing the development and functioning of the linguistic system. The article substantiates the importance of the linguistic methods competence – ability to productively solve professional tasks in the sphere of linguistic education of a student on the basis of systematic knowledge of the Russian language and methods of teaching Russian through the realization of the meta-subject function of the native language and its status as a national-cultural phenomenon. Questions of discovering ties and relations existing not only in the language but also between linguistics, methods of corrective-pedagogical work and future professional activity of a defectologist present the most difficult problems in the process of formation of the linguistic methods competence.
Key words: Linguistic component; communicative competence; linguistic competence; linguistic methods competence; linguo-rhetoric competence; professional competence; inter-disciplinary ties; kinds and forms of speech.
For citation
Khristolyubova, L. V. Linguistic Component in Training Teacher-Defectologists / L. V. Khristolyubova, A. V. Tsygankova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 131-136.