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Correlation Between Physical and Speech Development of Senior Preschool Children
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Abstract: In the framework of this article the authors discuss the relationship between motor and speech areas in senior preschool children learning in conditions of inclusive education. To substantiate the suggested idea the authors select and analyze scientific and methods literature on the topic of research, including the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" and the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education and explain their interest in this problem and formulate conclusions. The article describes and analyzes an experiment aimed at diagnosing the level of formation of speech and motor sphere of children with "normal" speech development and in children with general speech underdevelopment. In the course of the experiment, the tested pupils had difficulties in doing tasks of both voice and physical exercises. On the basis of the experiment the authors worked out measures aimed at development of children's speech – predicative lexicon, by means of physical development. This will not only help to develop the basic physical qualities of the child, but will also indirectly influence the formation of lexical structure of speech of children which will facilitate the development of children's speech in general, and, therefore, the formation and development of the child's communicative skills needed for further socialization.
Key words: Physical development; speech development; general underdevelopment of speech; predicative lexicon.
For citation
Ryabova, E. I. Correlation Between Physical and Speech Development of Senior Preschool Children / E. I. Ryabova, A. E. Terentiev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 122-126.